Wednesday, September 28, 2016

i believee

1.  I believe bread without crust is better than the ones with crusts.
2. I believe red is better than blue
3. I believe that long hair is better than short
4. I believe that pe shorts are better than khackis
5. i believe that straight hair is better than curly
6. I believe in god
7. I believe that cats are better than dogs
8. I believe that chocolate is better than vanilla.
9. I believe that orange is better than blue
10. I believe that organ transplanting is better than toe burning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog Post #1

     If i was a superhero i would be an organ transplant hero. I can help people who need organs. I can also fly. Because i need to deliver the organs to different places fast.  I would look like a normal person. Normal person. I would carry a big backpack to carry all the organ pieces inside. My flying powers would help people in need of organs. I think my super powers could be a big help to the world. joinonuiu